The Blog.
Bamboo retrospective: Tim on Channel 4’s Battlefront
With youth unemployment the same hot topic it was in 2012, we trawled through the archives to find Tim’s appearance on the Emmy Award-winning show ‘Battlefront’.
With youth unemployment still the same hot topic it was in 2012, the Bamboo team trawled through the archives to find Tim’s appearance on the Emmy Award-winning show ‘Battlefront’.
Tim, who was relatively new to charity recruitment at the time, was targeted by Channel 4 execs to be the perfect foil to the head of recruitment at Microsoft, Gok Wan, and the ‘Fairy Job Mother’ herself, Hayley Taylor.
With no expense spared, he was whisked off to a warehouse in North London to conduct a recruitment ‘speed date’ event with three unemployed young people to see how they managed under the pressure of an interview.
Whilst not the polished recruiter he is today, you can see by the insightful questions he asked (in the 30 seconds that didn’t end on the cutting room floor) the instinctive knack for recruitment that would lead him to the upper echelons of senior management at Bamboo.
Tenuously Fundraising
Read on for the most tenuously fundraising-related blog ever written.
We’ve been staring at this cursed blinking caret (we had no idea that's what the text cursor is called), trying to figure out how to crowbar some kind of fundraising analogy to the picture below.
There’s something around two types of fundraisers. Some are like dogs - they greet everyone and love to be out there making friends and bringing them into the fold. And some are like cats - independent thinkers, constantly testing, and trying to figure out how things work.
We planned to end on some sort of laboured point about cats and dogs working together to make the world a better place.
But it just looked like what it was - the Bamboo team trying to shoehorn a picture of Graham’s dog (Ricky) and cat (MoonCake) looking cute together into a blog post.
Let us know if you're a fan, and perhaps we’ll set up some sort of Ricky and MoonCake Corner. Or don't bother, as we’re likely to do it anyway.
Seven minutes of fame: Graham on the Victoria Derbyshire Show
See Bamboo Director Graham Drew’s admirable performance under pressure on the Victoria Derbyshire show, talking about prejudice against blind people.
Less than 12 hours after receiving the call from BBC top brass, Bamboo Director, Graham found himself on the Victoria Derbyshire show talking about prejudice against blind people.
After a change in the running order that neither he nor his BBC-supplied driver was informed about, he was hustled straight from car to hot seat by panicky producers in less than three minutes.
Check out his admirable performance under pressure below, from his arrival on set to the closing shot of Ricky looking bored to tears.