Six ways to relax at work

Unless you're in the 0.001% of people who have unbounded enthusiasm 100% of the time, at some point, you’ll find yourself in a lull.

Every so often you need to find yourself a little bit of ‘me’ time in the office to unwind.

We asked the Bamboo crew to share their top tips for work time relaxation.

Here are six of the best:

  1. If your computer faces away from prying eyes, you’ve hit the jackpot. You have the sum total of human knowledge at your fingertips (assuming web traffic isn’t monitored - come on employers, this isn't East Germany c.1950). If you’re not so lucky, you cut and paste long-form articles ( and are great examples) into Word, and read about the Fermi paradox at your leisure, whilst appearing to be working on that all-important proposal.

  2. You can use Excel to play games. A personal favourite of mine is the ‘Minipops Excel Quiz’, something I used to while away many an hour in a past life. The dastardly genius behind this option is that very few organisations are going to stop you from running an Excel file.

  3. Mobile phones are irresistible, but few work tasks require relentless keypad tapping. To avoid detection, use WhatsApp’s web-based portal. to firm up your weekend plans. On a side note, if your IT guy hasn’t blocked Facebook, avoid it like the plague as that distinctive blue bar is visible from 50 yards.

  4. Take a walk to the shop. Everyone appreciates the person who sacrifices themselves to get the team some Haribo. It may not be cost-effective but it sure is delicious.

  5. If headphones aren’t a problem, listen to a podcast or audiobook. Did someone say, "listen to a whole season of Crime Town while you wait for your computer to 'back up?”- don't mind if I do.

    It’s worth not that, if you’re thinking about implementing any of the above, it might be an indication you’re in the wrong job.

    This is where Bamboo comes in. Contact us on 020 3750 3111 to find a fundraising role you love.


#1 Correlation: GDPR and Ed Sheeran


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