Major Donor Officer

Fundraising | International Development | £36000 | Full Time

International Development; Children

Corporate Partnerships Manager


Remote / London





This international children’s charity are just incredible; whether it’s impact data, donor satisfaction, programme efficacy. Name any metric you like and they’ll come out on top.

One of the things that I have heard consistently over 13 years recruiting within fundraising is that this team have one of the nicest, most collaborative and inclusive working cultures in the sector. Their teams are without silo and everyone is happy to pitch in on projects, whether it’s part of their remit or not.

Work / life balance is held in high-regard, and it is encouraged that people don’t work outside of their contracted hours, in fact you are contractually required to log off at 4:30pm on a Friday. They believe that their staff being happy is priority number one and that everything else will follow from that.

We’ve all had cause to re-evaluate our priorities over the past 2 years and if “working with people I like in a fun, supportive environment,” is now one of yours, then this role could well be worth exploring.

The Role

Joining a team of three, you will have responsibility for a portfolio of 30 – 40 donors generating income of c.£200k. I quote this target to give you a sense of the scale of the role, but I think it’s worth noting that whilst they are an ambitious organisation, they don’t use targets punitively. We all need metrics to work toward, but there is an understanding of the unpredictability of major donor fundraising and allowances are built into their forecasts.

Donors primarily give toward a list of priority projects with a large amount of institutional matched funding, allowing you to leverage the generosity of your portfolio for much greater gains.

The majority of their donors currently give in the £10k – £50k range, but they have a number of donors making six-figure contributions and there are strategic plans in place to increase this number, making this a great role if you’re looking to increase your experience of working with strategic gifts.

What We’re Looking For

We try to avoid prescriptive person specifications, as they limit the diversity of experience on our team. Instead, we have just three questions for you:

  1. Do you have entrepreneurial flair? Can you describe experience and achievements that show your ability to distil a busy pool of prospects to the most likely, and to get the conversation started and partnership built?

  2. Are you a partnership scaler? Can you talk us through successes that demonstrate your ability to take donors through the full lifetime cycle, from cold contact to significant funder?

  3. Are you an expert networker? Can you describe your experience and success in networking through individual contacts to get to corporate decision-makers?

If you like what we do, the role is grabbing your attention, and you answered yes to the questions above, then we’d wholeheartedly recommend you read our detailed application pack, by following the link below and consider putting an application together.

We look forward to hearing from you.

To apply just follow the application pack below!

Job Features

International Development Children

Corporate Partnerships Manager


Remote / London





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