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The Small Charities Advisory Panel

There’s some good news for small charities.

In Spring 2022, the Small Charities Coalition (SCC) was forced to close due to shortfall in funding. The organisation championed small charities by providing low-cost training and events, information, and mentoring to ensure they had access to the skills and resources they need to thrive.

In a further blow, the Foundation for Social Improvement (a membership body that provides free advice and heavily subsidised training in strategy, governance, fundraising and impact to small charities) announced that they will also be winding up this Spring, due to a lack of funding.

The good news

To address the gap in provision, the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) teamed up with the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) to create the Small Charities Advisory Panel as part of a deal to take over its services, and those of the defunct SCC.

Launched last month, the panel will champion the voices and experiences of small charities and ensure that they can continue to access tailored help, support, and advocacy.

About the panel

There are 14 members on the panel, including representatives from six small charities, two funders and six infrastructure organisations.

It’s being jointly chaired by Ray Coyle, director of volunteering charity Oxford Hub, and Vicki Beevers, chief executive of The Sleep Charity.

Other members include Becky Gilbert, co-founder of Baby Bank Network, Matt Plen, former chief executive of Masorti Judaism, and Amina Ali, a consultant at the charity think tank NPC. 

The chair of the FSI, Noorzaman Rashid, will also sit on the committee.

The role of the panel

The panel will help the NCVO and their partners anticipate and meet the needs of smaller voluntary sector organisations. They will also work with organisations across the sector to ensure that wider support offer is comprehensive, responsive, and coherent.

Among other responsibilities, the panel will:

  • ·Share and explore insights and emerging trends, identifying gaps in support for small charities and finding ways to fill them.

  • Share expertise to improve the practical support offering from the NCVO.

  • Actively engage and represent the panel in appropriate forums and discussions, including being the ‘voice’ of small charities with a seat at the table in policy making forums.

Bring lived experience of small charities and best practice of small charity infrastructure support to guide the strategic direction of support for small charities.

Holding the NCVO accountable to ensure the voice of small charities is heard at all levels.

You can find out more about the panel and its members on the NCVO’s website.

Final Word

Infrastructure is a vital part of the voluntary sector ecosystem, providing support, connection and voice to government, so charities can focus on delivering their mission. And yet, over 1,000 infrastructure charities have closed in the last decade.

The launch of the Small Charities Advisory Panel and the commitment by the NCVO to secure and build on the legacy of the SCC and FIS will ensure that small charities are given a voice and are equipped to continue to provide their vital services to communities throughout the UK.

Looking for a savvy fundraiser? Whether your charity is large or small, we can help. Give us a call on 020 3750 3111 or email info@bamboofundraising.co.uk to find out how.