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The Purpose Awards EMEA are open for entries!

Are you particularly proud of one of your fundraising, advocacy, or public awareness campaigns from 2022? Was it creative, innovative, and effective in furthering your cause? Then why not consider entering it in the Purpose Awards EMEA?

The aim of these prestigious awards, which are organised by PR Week, Campaign, and Third Sector, is to ‘recognise campaigns that use creative ideas to further positive causes and acknowledge the organisations behind them.’

The awards are open to agencies, brands, public sector bodies, charities, and NGOs throughout EMEA.

Why enter?

Social purpose is increasingly important to donors. In fact, over two thirds of adults in the UK (68%) think that businesses, governments, and charities need to deliver more social and environmental change.

By nature, charities are purpose-driven. But entering a campaign into the Purpose Awards is a prime opportunity to demonstrate the impact you’re making to a global audience.

And that’s not the only reason to enter:

  • Winning, or being nominated for an award will put your organisation in the spotlight, and expand your reach.

  • If shortlisted, you’ll benefit from exposure on the awards website, plus PRWeek, Campaign and Third Sector.

  • If you win, or get nominated, it’s a great way to reward and recognise your team’s hard work.

Entering an award is a useful learning process, (whether you’re successful or not). Writing your entry will bring out your organisation’s strengths and help you identify areas for improvement. It’ll also test how effectively you’re able to evidence your organisation’s impact.

Being shortlisted for or winning an award is a stamp of credibility in the eyes of donors and funders

How to enter

You can enter a campaign (with or without the backing of an agency) in one or more of the following categories:

  • Best Advocacy Campaign

  • Best Environmental Cause Campaign

  • Best Equality & Inclusion Cause Campaign

  • Best Fundraising Campaign

  • Best Health Cause Campaign

  • Best Public Awareness Cause Campaign

Check out the criteria here.

If you’re in need of some inspiration, here are a few charity campaigns that have impressed the judges and made the cut.

  • In 2022, Diabetes UK’s This is Diabetes campaign was shortlisted in the Best Health Cause category

  • In 2021, Epilepsy Research UK was a finalist in the Best Health Cause category with its #ALifeInterrupted campaign.

  • Pancreatic Cancer UK was also a finalist in the same category in 2021 with its No Time To Wait campaign.

To enter, sign up on the website, download a purpose entry kit and follow the instructions.  

Key dates

If you decide to enter, you’d better get your application together sharpish if you want to meet the ‘early bird’ deadline of Thursday 2 February 2023. (The early bird entry fee is £400+ VAT). Otherwise, the standard deadline is Thursday 16 March (the fee for this is £550+VAT).

The shortlist will be announced on Thursday 20 April and the Awards ceremony will take place on Friday 9 June, in London. Good luck!

Don’t forget: If you’re looking for talented fundraisers to help you orchestrate award-winning campaigns, we can help. Give us a call on 020 3750 3111 or email info@bamboofundraising.co.uk