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The Importance of employee engagement

Let’s start with a question. What’s the simplest and most cost-effective way to spread the word about the great work you’re doing? Social media influencers? No. Celebrities? Nope. Flashy ad campaigns? Definitely not.

Granted, these are great options if you have deep pockets or well-connected trustees.

But your most powerful ambassadors are a lot closer to home: your employees.

They know the charity better than anyone else. They’re on the front line, executing your fundraising campaigns, attending events, and working with beneficiaries. They also see the impact of the work you’re doing.

Who’s better placed to promote your brand?

What is employee advocacy?

Employee advocates are similar to brand ambassadors in the sense that they actively endorse your brand.

It can take place online or offline. But in 2023, the most effective way to do it is on social media.

It’s like word-of-mouth for the digital age.

What are the benefits of an employee advocacy programme?

Your employees are one of your biggest untapped marketing resources. They’re the influencers and brand ambassadors that have been under your nose all along.

Some of them may wax lyrical about the charity already. But an official employee advocacy program can take that organic influence to the next level. 

Here are just a few of the reasons to consider implementing an employee advocacy programme.

Credibility & trust

84% of consumers’ value recommendations from friends and family above any forms of marketing.

And 77% of consumers are more likely to donate after hearing about a charity from someone they trust. 

The numbers say it all. Employee advocacy is a powerful way to establish credibility and generate additional income.

Reach & engagement

Collectively, your employees are probably connected to hundreds, if not thousands of people on social media. LinkedIn research shows that, on average, employees’ social network are ten times larger than those of brands.

That’s a lot of potential eyeballs on your brand.

It’s also worth noting that content shared by employees receives 8X more engagement than that shared by brands directly, due to it being perceived as more authentic.

Talent acquisition & retention

Employee advocacy is being adopted by a growing number of brands to meet the growing recruitment challenge in the UK. And it’s making a difference.

According to LinkedIn research, organisations with successful advocacy programmes are 50% more likely to attract talent and 20% more likely to retain employees.

No surprise there. What would appeal to you more? A bog-standard job ad, or a personalised recommendation from someone working on the front line?

Final Word

We’ve told you what employee advocacy is and why you should consider implementing an employee advocacy programme. Now what?

Keep an eye out for part two of this series, where we’ll tell you how to turn your staff into raving brand ambassadors.

In the meantime, if you’re looking to expand your fundraising team, we’re well-placed to help. Give us a call on 020 3750 3111 or email us at info@bamboofundraising.co.uk to get started.