Fern Search & Consultancy

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Tenuously Fundraising

We’ve been staring at this cursed blinking caret (we had no idea that's what the text cursor is called), trying to figure out how to crowbar some kind of fundraising analogy to the picture below.

There’s something around two types of fundraisers. Some are like dogs - they greet everyone and love to be out there making friends and bringing them into the fold. And some are like cats - independent thinkers, constantly testing, and trying to figure out how things work.

We planned to end on some sort of laboured point about cats and dogs working together to make the world a better place.

But it just looked like what it was - the Bamboo team trying to shoehorn a picture of Graham’s dog (Ricky) and cat (MoonCake) looking cute together into a blog post.

Let us know if you're a fan, and perhaps we’ll set up some sort of Ricky and MoonCake Corner. Or don't bother, as we’re likely to do it anyway.

See this gallery in the original post