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Team Talks: Joanna’s cold water swimming

Fundraising recruitment is a ‘people’ business. So, we thought it was about time you got to know the people behind Bamboo.

In our ‘Team Talks’ series, we’ll be grilling each member of the team on their hobbies, passions, and anything else we can think of.

First up is Joanna, talking about her passion for cold-water swimming.

What is cold water swimming?

Basically, it’s any form of outdoor swimming.

I do sea swimming regularly, but I’ve also tried river and lagoon swimming.

How long have you been doing it?             

I started doing it during the pandemic.

Before the pandemic, I swam every day in a private pool.

Swimming is my exercise of choice as its gentle on my joints and good for my various ailments. (Joanna has Congenital talipes equinovarus, also known as club foot. And Femoroacetabular impingement).  

Then lockdown happened, and it all stopped.

Everyone else swapped their usual exercise for long walks, but I couldn’t do that as my hips were painful, and I kept falling over.

Not being able to swim really got me down, so I went to see a doctor.

The first one I spoke to prescribed antidepressants. I didn’t want to take them, but as I was so low, I gave them a go. But they didn't sit well with me. So, I called the GP again and spoke to a different doctor.

I’ll never forget our conversation. I was sitting in my car, crying. I told her I was struggling physically and mentally as I couldn’t swim.

She asked if I was comfortable swimming in the sea. I said I was, but I hadn’t done it for years as I lived in London and had a busy job.

She suggested I look into cold water swimming. She said there were groups all over the country, and if it appealed, she would write a letter that would allow me to do it without getting fined.

After the call, I jumped on Facebook, found the Blue Tits, and before I knew it, I was venturing out for my first swim, armed with my bathers, bobble hat, and my precious GP letter.

How was your first session?

I was nervous. As the group had been doing it for some time, I thought they might be cliquey. But they welcomed me in and made me feel comfortable, instantly.

As for the swim, it was amazing. Every bit of my body felt worked, including the bits I didn’t expect to feel, like my forearms.

But it wasn’t just good for my body. The social side of it was great for my mental health.

Do you still go?

Yes. I try and go twice a week. I’ve made some amazing friendships from it. We go for coffees, breakfasts, and celebrate each other’s birthdays. It’s lovely.

The group has also helped build my confidence. Off the back of it, I did the Tenby Boxing Day swim in a Christmas tree onesie last year

Do you swim all year round?

Yes. I remember the temperature was -2° on one of my swims in February. There was frost on the sand. It was warmer in the sea!

How does the Blue Tits work?

The Blue Tits is the overarching group, then there are local groups across the country.

Each group has a Facebook page, and everything is organised through them.

It’s very informal. You don’t have to pay to do it.

How many are in your group?

There are seven or eight regulars that go pretty much every day. They can afford to do it as most of them are retired.

Is it safe to say you’d recommend cold water swimming to burnt out fundraisers?

Yes! For me, it's a form of physical and mental therapy. It allows me to switch off from everything else going on in my life.

I knew anti-depressants weren’t what I needed!

And I can’t rave enough about the Blue Tits. They’re not regimental like some cold-water swimming groups. They’re relaxed, there are no expectations, and you don’t have to be a skilled swimmer to join.

We have a saying. ‘Never leave you flock’. Basically, you swim as a group and look out for each other. If you start struggling, or feeling unwell, someone will be on hand to help.

If you want to get out after five minutes, that’s fine too, as we respect each other’s limitations.

Final Word

Joanna clearly gets a lot from cold water swimming. Why not give it a go and start reaping the rewards yourself?

Want to find out more about the Blue Tits? Take the plunge and check out their website.