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Calculus Corner Tim Barnes Calculus Corner Tim Barnes

How recruitment consultants describe charities

In one of the most niche blogs ever dreamed up, we decided to take a look at the different adjectives used to describe charities by recruitment consultants looking for fundraisers in Greater London.

Read on for the results.

In one of the most niche blogs ever dreamed up, we decided to take a look at the different adjectives used to describe charities by recruitment consultants looking for fundraisers in Greater London.

We decided to focus on the precis of the advert which comes up on the various job boards.

Of the jobs currently advertised by agencies, 65 use the we are working with a [insert adjective] charity’ format.

Here are the results.

So, half of all recruitment agencies are using one of the ‘big three’, leading, exciting, and the fairly uninspiring ‘well known’.

In the interest of transparency, of the 9 jobs we’ve currently got advertised, there are two ‘fantastic’ charities and one ‘leading’ one.

The point of this was to see whether recruitment adverts are as repetitive as we suspected they might be.

And it seems they are. For every ‘inspiring’, ‘amazing’, and ‘fabulouscharity (as perceived by recruitment consultants) there are three ‘leading’ ones.

The conclusion? We’ll head to before posting our next advert.

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