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How to make the most of hybrid working

In 2020, COVID-19 changed the way we work. The sudden switch to home working was abrupt and a lot of people struggled with the upheaval. Some people resented the isolation and lack of human contact, while others embraced the lack of commute and the money saved on it.

There are pros and cons to both, which is why an increasing number of companies are offering staff the option of ‘hybrid working’.

What is hybrid working?

In a nutshell, hybrid working is a mix of home and office working.

It’s a ‘best of both worlds’ approach that enables you to reap the benefits of both arrangements. And it’s gaining popularity in the UK, with 85% of employees telling the Office for National Statistics that they favour hybrid working.

If you’re one of the 85% and have accepted a role that incorporates hybrid working, how can you get the most out of it?

Here are a few tips to ensure you’re productive, wherever you are:

1. Plan your days

Do you do your best work when you’re alone? Or do you get distracted when there’s no one around to hold you to account? Does silence help you concentrate? Or do you like to bounce ideas off colleagues?

Knowing how you work best will help you plan your week, and work out what you need to do in the office versus what you do at home.

2. Keep a routine

If you get up at 8 am on the days you’re in the office, do the same when you’re working from home. You can turn your commute time into something a little more enjoyable. Maybe take some time for meditation or a cooked breakfast instead of inhaling a cereal bar as you run out the door.

Maintaining consistency will help you approach work with the same attitude, regardless of whether you’re in the office or sprawled on the couch.

3. Streamline your workspace

You’re setting up to work for the day, and the dreaded low-battery notification pops up on your screen. You go to plug your laptop in, but of course, you don’t have your charger… rookie mistake.

You don’t want to be unable to do the work you planned because you don’t have everything you need. Whether it’s having a charger in both locations or storing your to-do list in the cloud instead of your desk drawer, make sure both workstations are properly set up and you can access your work from both locations.

4. Stay connected

When you’re not seeing your colleagues every day, it’s easy to let work relationships fall by the wayside. But, not only are we more productive when we feel connected to people, we’re more passionate about our jobs.

Whether it’s a daily Zoom call or a team WhatsApp group, be sure to set time aside to check in with your colleagues.

Looking for a job in fundraising? Give us a call on 0203 750 3111 

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