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Good Jobs Project

As we all know, the UK is faced with multiple social and environmental crises, from the cost-of-living crisis to climate change. Most of the proposed solutions focus on the role of government and charities, but few focus on the role business can play.

The ReGenerate Trust aims to find purpose-driven opportunities for business to play its part in tackling a range of societal issues, from housing shortages and poverty to modern slavery, by delivering solutions through a profitable model.

The Good Jobs Project

One of the charity’s initiatives, the Good Jobs Project, aims to tackle the UK’s labour shortage.

The problem

UK businesses have a record 1.3 million vacancies, following the effects of Covid-19, Brexit and the ‘great resignation’.

The aim of the Good Jobs Project is to fill some of these vacancies with people who have been frozen out of the job market due to social or geographic barriers (i.e., people that are living in poverty, or are sustained by the UK’s social safety net).

The goals of the Good Jobs Project

1. To identify opportunities for businesses to increase their positive contribution to society by recruiting individuals that are overlooked in hiring processes. This includes people in caring roles, single-parents, ex-offenders, people with disabilities, long-term illnesses, and many others.

2. To raise awareness of the opportunities available to stakeholders, including businesses, civil society groups, the government, investors, and the individuals themselves.

3. To inspire the government and investors to incentivise businesses to take advantage of the opportunity.

4. To establish baseline statistics that demonstrate the potential impact that businesses could have through recruiting those with social barriers to work.

ReGenerate are launching a large-scale research and market activation project, to identify ways that businesses can be incentivised and supported to recruit from these disadvantaged groups.

How you can help

The goals of the project are supported by a wide range of organisations, from businesses to charities. Want to show your support? There are several ways you can do so:

1) Share your thoughts.
2) Participate in interviews or focus groups.
3) Partner on the project and provide funding.
4) Add your logo to demonstrate your support for the project goals.

Final Word

At Bamboo, we’re passionate about helping people from marginalised communities get into work. In our opinion, the Good Jobs Project is an innovative way to achieve this, while generating a fresh labour pool for sectors struggling to hire. It’s a win-win!

To share your thoughts on the initiative, or sign up for an interview or focus group, email harry.brown@re-generate.org