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Funding Opportunities: November

Grants are a vital source of income for charities large and small, but trawling through databases for relevant opportunities is a time-consuming task.

Enter Bamboo.

Each month, we’re going to scour the internet and highlight a range of funding opportunities from trusts, corporates, and the public sector.

Let’s get into it.

Peter Sowerby Foundation

Amount: Up to £500,000
Deadline: An expression of interest form must be submitted by 14th December 2023, 5pm.

The Peter Sowerby Foundation has announced a £2.5million open call for charities that tackle the ‘UK’s most pressing health issues through scale and innovation.’

Five charities will be awarded up to £500,000 to launch or expand existing initiatives that:

  • demonstrate innovation in process, patient care or structural and systemic changes in primary healthcare.

  • are high-impact and transformative in improving the quality of healthcare at scale (national) on three levels: individual, community and the sector.

  • are potentially high-risk, complex, or technical.

  • are backed up by clinical evidence and run by high-calibre professionals with compelling track records

Note: The scheme is focused on active delivery, not research i.e., it’s for initiatives which are ready to launch or scale.  

Click here to find out more and apply.

BA Better World Community Fund

Amount: Up to £15,000
Deadline: Ongoing

British Airways’ Community Fund provides match funding for crowdfunded projects that align with the priorities of BA Better World.

To qualify, projects must either:

  • deliver support in areas experiencing social and economic deprivation, including rural communities.

  • work with one or more of the following groups as a main focus:

- lower socio-economic groups
- culturally diverse communities.
- disadvantaged females.
- individuals struggling with mental health and wellbeing.
- groups that explore/provide solutions for climate change.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • provide training for disadvantaged groups to help them access employment and education.

  • create opportunities for people in underrepresented groups, focused on improving gender and ethnic diversity and accessibility for people with disabilities.

  • tackle environmental and climate challenges.

Additional information

  • the fund will match each individual donation, up to £250.

  • the maximum amount of funding per project is £15,000.

  • projects must receive donations from at least 25 supporters to qualify.

Click here to find out more and apply.

Lloyds Bank Foundation’s Programme for Specialist Small Charities

Amount: £75,000
Deadline: Thursday, 25 January 2024, 5pm

The programme offers three-year unrestricted grants of £75,000 for small, local, specialist charities that provide in-depth services in one of the following areas:

  • addiction

  • asylum seekers and refugees

  • care leavers

  • domestic abuse

  • homelessness

  • offending

  • sexual abuse and exploitation

  • trafficking and modern slavery

The programme prioritises charities that:

  • can demonstrate an understanding of trauma and strengths-based approaches. 

  • involve people with lived experience in the leadership of the organisation and the design and delivery of services. 

  • demonstrate an understanding of their own organisational challenges, have the interest and are willing to invest time and effort in owning and addressing them.

  • can demonstrate a solid commitment to D, E, &I

To qualify, charities must have:

  • an annual income of between £25,000 to £500,000.

  • a board of at least three trustees.

Find out more and apply here.

Motability Community Transport Grant Programme

Amount: Up to £4m
Deadline: Ongoing

Through its Community Transport Grant programme, Motability is awarding charities in the community transport sector grants of between £100,000 and £4 million until March 2025.

The programme aims to help charities develop, expand, and improve community transport options for disabled people.

To qualify, charities must:

  • be registered in the UK and have been active for at least three years.

  • have generated an annual income of at least £150,000 per annum over the last three years.

  • hold free reserves equivalent to at least three months of operating costs.

The scheme will fund:

  • local, regional, or national initiatives that increase awareness of community transport and influence its inclusion in transport strategy and policy.

  • existing schemes, programmes and initiatives that provide best practice solutions, but require further investment to remain operational or scale up.

  • staff or volunteer training and costs.

  • additional vehicles to support more disabled people in the community.

Additional information

 You can apply for one-, two- or three years ’ worth of funding. For example, you could apply for £102,000 in total over three years, which would be £34,000 per annum.

Find out more and apply here.

Looking for a trust fundraiser to join your team? We can help. Give us a call on 020 3750 3111 or email us at info@bamboofundraising.co.uk to get started.