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Funding opportunities March

Grants are a vital source of income for charities large and small, but trawling through databases for relevant opportunities is a time-consuming task.

Enter Bamboo. Each month, we scour the internet and highlight a range of funding opportunities from trusts, corporates, and the public sector.

Let’s get into it.

The Woodroffe Benton Foundation

Amount: £500 to £2,500
Deadline: March 31

The Foundation’s current funding programme focuses on projects which improve the quality of life and social engagement for older people in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

They will consider applications under the following categories:

  • Relief of people in need, hardship, or distress because of social or economic circumstances.

  • Provision/Maintenance of care and accommodation for the sick and elderly.

  • Promotion of education (within the Derbyshire region)

  • Environmental Conservation/Preservation/Protection/Improvement (particularly where it would encourage the provision of access by members of the public)

They prefer to contribute to core operating costs rather than specific projects. So organisations with an annual income of £750,000 or more will not qualify for funding.

Find out more and apply here.

Impetus Connect Fund

Amount: £100k for two years
Deadline: April 7

The Impetus Connect Fund partners with charities that support young people from ethnic minorities and socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds into employment.

They’re particularly interested in working with organisations that serve young people from Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Black communities, as these groups face the most significant barriers to employment.

To qualify, your charity must:

  • deliver a programme/intervention that targets employment or employment-related outcomes for the young people i.e., supporting young people to develop employment-related or sector-specific skills (e.g. interview practice or skills boot camps), connecting young people with work experience or apprenticeship opportunities, or provide mentoring for young people

  • have achieved at least break-even in two of the past three years, OR you must hold at least two months of operating costs in your reserves

  • have at least five members of staff

If successful, you’ll receive:

  • £100k in unrestricted grant funding per year, for two years (with the potential to continue thereafter)

  • Expertise, coaching, and capacity-building support from their investment team

  • Access to their peer learning forums, a chance to network with and learn from other portfolio charities

  • Access to sector-based coalitions to influence policy and the national conversation on the issues faced by the young people you serve

  • Access to their pro-bono network of specialist advisers including PwC and Bain

  • Access to further grants through co-investment with their network of donors

    Click here to find out more and apply

B&Q Foundation

Amount: £10,000 for indoor projects and £5,000 for garden projects
Deadline: The next funding opens on 26th Apr and closes on 17th May

The B&Q Foundation funds charities that support people in need in the UK – whether they’re homeless, in financial hardship, or impacted by health, disability, or other disadvantage.

The funding should be used to improve or develop spaces that benefit these groups and the local community. Projects can be indoor or outdoor.
You can see previous projects they’ve funded here.

If successful, your project must be delivered within 6 months of receiving the grant.

Find out more and apply here.

John Ellerman Foundation

Amount: £10,000 - £50,000 per year, for up to three years
Deadline: Rolling

The John Ellerman Foundation aims to advance the well-being of people, society, and the natural world by focusing on the arts, environment, and social action. They prefer to support smaller charities, so organisations with an annual income in excess of £750,000 aren’t eligible to apply.

They provide core funding, which can be used for:

  • staff salaries, training, and expenses

  • day-to-day running costs and operations

  • monitoring and evaluation

  • communications and digital innovation.

They have three funding programmes.

1.   Arts

They fund organisations which collaborate with, commission or support artists to create new or reimagined work and prioritise applicants from outside the capital.

Applications can be made under two programmes: Creators in the performing arts, and Curators in museums and galleries.

2.   Environment

They’re interested in organisations that understand the interdependence of people and nature and apply this in their thinking and practice.

Applications can be made under two programmes: The Ocean and Land and fresh waters.

3.   Social Action

They are interested in organisations with a track record of tackling divisions and inequity, and who bring together individuals, community organisations, and others, including national bodies, to influence government and the agencies that shape our lives.

To qualify, your organisation must:

  • Actively involve those with personal experience of the issue tackled

  • Improve systems through policy, advocacy, and campaigning

  • have been operating for more than 24 months

Find out more here.

Looking for a trust fundraiser to join your team? We can help. Give us a call on 020 3750 3111 or email us at info@bamboofundraising.co.uk to get started.