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Eight great reasons to become a trustee

Looking for a way to make a difference in your spare time? Want to give back to a cause you feel passionately about?

Have you thought about becoming a trustee?

In addition to being extremely rewarding, a trusteeship is an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, build your professional network, and gain valuable experience to further your career.

And if you consider that almost half of charities have at least one vacancy on their board, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

What is a trustee?

Trustees are volunteers (collectively known as the board, governing body, or management committee,) who are responsible for managing and overseeing a charity. They ensure the organisation operates in accordance with its mission, stays financially stable, and complies with all the relevant laws and regulations.

What do trustees do?

Trustees sit at the top table with the most senior decision-makers. They make crucial decisions about a charity’s activities, funds, and future, and play a key role in ensuring it does what it set out to do.

Some of the responsibilities of a trustee include:

  • Helping the CEO lead the organisation

  • Leading the strategic development of the organisation

  • Ensuring the charity is delivering on it’s goals

  • Looking after the organisation’s finances and assets

Who can be a trustee?

Trustees come from all walks of life. Some are retired. Others work full- or part-time.

Providing you’re at least 18 years old, (or 16 if the organisation is a charitable incorporated organisation), and you don’t have any unspent convictions, you’re good to apply.

Why become a trustee?

Aside from the warm and fuzzy feeling you’ll get from giving back, there are a ton of reasons to take on a trusteeship.

Here are eight for starters:

  1. Skill-building: According to a study by GettingOnBoard, 96% of trustees say they developed new skills as a result of their trusteeship. As a trustee, you'll work on strategic planning, financial management, and problem-solving, among other things, all of which are highly valued by employers.

  2. Boost your CV: A valuable addition to your CV, a trusteeship will make you a more competitive candidate.

  3. Networking opportunities: Serving as a trustee will give you the opportunity to build relationships. As well as your fellow trustees, you’ll interact with volunteers, staff, and the public. These connections could open doors to future job opportunities.

  4. Leadership experience: You’ll get hands-on experience in leadership, decision-making, and team management - at board level.

    This is invaluable if you’ve got your eye on a senior leadership or non-executive role.

  5. Commitment to giving back: Employers are always on the lookout for candidates that are passionate about making a difference. A trusteeship will demonstrate it in spades.

  6. Enhanced well-being: Studies show that volunteering can have a positive impact on our well-being. As a trustee, you'll be contributing to a cause you care about and making a difference. You’ll feel happier, more fulfilled, and confident as a result.

  7. Improved job prospects: According to Reach Volunteering, 68% of trustees say their involvement in charity governance has helped them progress in their careers. Enough said!

  8. Represent the underrepresented: GettingOnBoard research has found that the average age of a trustee is 60-62. Just 0.5% of trustees are 18-24, despite the age group making up 12% of the population. If you fall into this age bracket, a trustee role is a unique chance to help a charity achieve its goals by bringing a fresh perspective to the board.

Final Word

A trustee is a fantastic way to make a tangible difference to cause you care about. It’s a role that’ll give back as much as you put in, and more. So why not start your journey to becoming a trustee today? Contact us on 020 3750 3111 or info@bamboofundraising.co.uk to find out more.