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Five ingredients of a great festive direct mail fundraising campaign

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and get your festive direct mail fundraising campaign in order.

That’s right folks, Christmas is just around the corner. If your festive appeal isn’t in the can, you’d better get a wriggle on.

A recent survey by Donor Pulse found that 49% of people are more likely to give around Christmas than any other time of year, and 38% say they do it because they’re asked to’. So, a festive ask is a no-brainer.

What is direct mail fundraising?

Direct mail fundraising is the process of designing, writing, printing, and delivering fundraising materials to donors via their letterbox, rather than their inbox.

We know what you’re thinking. Why go to all that effort when you can send an email?

Well, digital fundraising is great, but research shows that a combination of direct and digital mail increases campaign effectiveness by a whopping 400%.

With that in mind, what are the ingredients of a killer Christmas direct mail campaign?

Here are some pointers.

1.   Make it personal

Did you know that your brain lights up when it hears your name? True story.

The most successful fundraising campaigns are personalised, so make sure your donor’s name is the first thing they see.

As well as using donors’ names, make use of the word ‘you’.

Addressing the reader directly will involve them in your story. This is key to boosting your response rate.

2.   Think about your hook

You’ve got seconds before your appeal goes in the bin. Without a strong hook, people won’t get past the first paragraph, let alone donate.

To maximise impact, you could share a compelling story about one of your beneficiaries, or some shocking statistics that highlight the extent of the issue you’re tackling.

3.   Tell an authentic story

Stats are great for grant applications, but direct mail fundraising is all about storytelling.

A powerful story will help you create a personal connection with readers and draw out empathy, which is key to persuading people to give.

Authenticity is key here. With direct mail, it can be tempting to put words into someone’s mouth or tell a story in a way you think will most appeal to donors. But it’s not your story. You have a responsibility to share stories ethically and responsibly, so work with your service users to create stories that raise their voices rather than amplify yours.

The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal is a great example.

4. Show your appreciation

As well as raising funds, your Christmas direct mail appeal is the perfect opportunity to thank donors for their generosity throughout the year.

Sure, you can incorporate this into your letter, but why not go the extra mile and send each donor a personalised Christmas card, like the WRVS.

5. Give to receive

Each year, Cliff Richard reminds us that Christmas is a ‘time for giving, a time for getting’ so why not give something to donors in anticipation of receiving their donations?

Nothing big or expensive. Maybe a tree decoration, a branded Christmas cracker with a thank you message, or a discount voucher.

If you want to push the boat out, you could team up with a holiday company and offer people the chance to win a winter weekend away in a festive prize draw, in return for a donation.

The possibilities are endless, but a gift will be a welcome addition to your appeal letter.

Wrapping up

If you’re looking for a fundraiser to execute your Christmas direct mail campaign, you’re reading the right blog. Contact us to get started on 0203 750 3111.